When we think about losing weight and the word “failure,” we probably have an image in our head of the typical yo-yo dieter who starts strong every New Year, quickly loses 15 lbs, and then finds themself exactly where they started or even worse by the end of the year. It’s probably not the word you’d expect I’d use to describe my weight loss success!
But what if I told you that failure was the very thing that helped me lose 75 lbs? It might sound counterintuitive, but embracing failure was one of the most powerful tools in my weight loss journey.

The Truth About Perfection
For years, I was stuck to take action, striving for the perfect plan and perfect conditions. I was “winning” at work, getting promotions and raises yearly. I was a new mom, feeling joy as my family grew. And yet I felt miserable. I was exhausted and woke up every day with back and knee pain. I felt so uncomfortable in anything I put on for work. I wasted so much time trying on a dozen outfits every morning, only to feel awkward as I left the house rushing to get to work on time. In my “perfect little world,” there was no room to try messy action. I didn’t think I had the time to do it right, so I didn’t do it at all!
I thought that if I didn’t follow a diet plan to the letter or if I missed a workout, I was failing and would be a waste of my time. But I wasn’t even trying to follow a diet plan, let alone doing any workouts to miss some of them! What would the point be if there was an opportunity to feel like a failure? This all-or-nothing mentality kept me from making any real progress. Each feared that every time I stumbled, it would prove that I couldn’t lose weight and it was a waste of my time.
But here’s the thing: Perfection is a myth. No one is perfect, and expecting ourselves to be sets us up for disappointment. The truth is that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, especially one as challenging as weight loss.
Reframing Failure as Learning
Once I started to reframe failure as a learning opportunity instead of a setback, everything changed. Each “failure” became a chance to learn more about myself—my habits, triggers, and strengths. Missed a workout? I’d ask myself why. Was it because I was too tired, or maybe because my schedule was too packed? Once I identified the reason, I could find a solution—like adjusting my workout time or incorporating more rest into my routine.
Instead of beating myself up over every misstep, I started to see them as valuable lessons. This shift in mindset allowed me to be kinder to myself, which made it easier to get back on track when things didn’t go perfectly.
I found a bonus: my ability to reframe failure as learning set an incredible example for my kids! Imagine your kid came home from school and struggled with their reading assignment. Never in a million years would you tell them to forget about it; screw it. You’d never say, “If you can’t read perfectly, don’t read at all.” Of course, you wouldn’t do this! So why continue to do this to yourself? Reframing failure as a learning opportunity was a real wake-up call and a game-changer on my weight loss journey, and it modeled an excellent example for my kids.
Consistency Over Perfection
What I also realized along the way was that consistency is more important than perfection. A missed workout or a day of less-than-ideal eating doesn’t derail your progress if you get back on track the next day. A five-minute walk is a heck of a lot better than none at all! It’s about making better choices more often than not and understanding that progress isn’t linear.
The times when I “failed” weren’t failures at all—they were part of the process. Each time I picked myself up and tried again, I built resilience and learned what worked for me.
Embracing Imperfection
Embracing failure means embracing imperfection. It means understanding that you will have days where you don’t feel motivated, indulge more than you planned, or skip a workout. And that’s okay. What matters is how you respond to those days. What matters is you keep going.
I learned to let go of the guilt and shame of not being perfect. Instead, I focused on doing my best each day, even if my best looked different from day to day.
The Power of Persistence
Losing 75 lbs didn’t happen overnight. It happened through countless moments of persistence—of failing, learning, and trying again. Every time I “failed,” I was getting one step closer to success because I gained the tools and knowledge I needed to make lasting changes.
Now, I look at failure as a necessary part of any journey. It’s where the growth happens. Without it, I wouldn’t have learned what truly works for me, and I wouldn’t have built the resilience needed to keep the weight off.
Final Thoughts
If you’re struggling with your own weight loss journey, I want you to know that failure is not the enemy. It’s a stepping stone. Each time you fall, you have the chance to rise stronger and smarter. Embrace those moments, learn from them, and keep moving forward.
Remember, it’s not about being perfect—it’s about being persistent. And sometimes, the most significant lessons come from the moments when we stumble. Don’t be afraid to fail; it might just be the key to your success.
Ready for support on letting go of these limiting beliefs holding you back?
Check out my group program – The Weight Loss Blueprint. I’ll provide you with an easy-to-follow program with support to build the mindset to keep going, even when it’s not perfect!