Get Lean with Lauren - 4 Week Weight Loss Group

Follow along for 4 weeks while I shed some extra weight! 

I’ll share my own plan, nutritional approach, workouts, and progress along the way. 

Join me during your own weight loss journey or just watch and learn to see what I do to make weight loss as painless as possible with lasting results!

What You'll Gain

Health and Nutrition Coaching

Hi, I’m Lauren Melton, NASM-CPT

I help successful, high-achieving women like you implement efficient, proven and sustainable ways to prioritize your health and find your confidence again.

After 20+ years as a corporate executive in a high-stress, fast-paced setting — I found myself somewhere I never thought I’d be. I was barely getting my steps in, my waist kept expanding, and my go-to cardio routines from my 20s and 30s were no longer cutting it.

Cliche as it sounds — I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize the woman staring back at me.

Maybe you can relate.

Hi, I'm Lauren!

I help successful, high-achieving women like you implement efficient, proven and sustainable ways to prioritize your health and find your confidence again.