One thing I can say for sure is that my kitchen is getting a lot more use this year! I’m sure many others are in the same boat as me. Less eating out has helped me to save money and just been the new norm. While I’ve tried to be extremely careful about my purchases this year, I’ve definitely invested in some items that have made my life easier and are getting a ton of use. The kitchen is one area I felt comfortable investing in knowing the items would get good use and positively impact my daily routine. So here are my favorite Amazon purchases I made for my kitchen in 2020 that you might want to check out for yourself or maybe for a gift if you haven’t finished your holiday shopping just yet!
1. Instant Pot Duo Evo Plus Pressure Cooker
I was pretty skeptical of purchasing an Instant Pot since I loved my slow cooker and didn’t quite believe that something could cook food so quickly and still taste good. But this year I started to meal prep more regularly and wanted to see how I could efficiently prepare two or more meats on one day to use in assembling meals during the week. The slow cooker just took too long for this type of meal prep on one day. So I purchased my Instant Pot with very low expectation and have been pleasantly surprised. I LOVE it! It’s so easy to use and clean and the food comes out super juicy every time. Before purchasing make sure to consider the quart size that will work best for you and your family. I decided to spend a little more so I could get a larger size and I’ve been very happy with that decision. The option linked here is 8 quarts but there are smaller versions and many are on sale right now!