Working with many corporate moms and as a former one myself, I’ve seen many Type A individuals struggle with their health goals, particularly weight loss. Why is it that their ambition, competitiveness, and extreme organization make it challenging for them to lose weight? We’ll dive into this topic today, discussing why this happens and what you can do about it if you resonate as a Type A person.
Perfectionism and Unrealistic Expectations
Type A people often strive for perfection in whatever they do. They set extremely high standards for themselves and end up seeking perfectionism. Their desire to be perfect can be a disaster regarding weight loss efforts because it creates unrealistic expectations. When they don’t see immediate or significant results, they can become easily frustrated and discouraged, leading to a cycle of quitting and restarting their weight loss efforts. They step on the scale daily, expecting to see a drop, then feel like a failure when it doesn’t. Or when they aren’t sure how to do something new like meal planning or workouts, they’ll avoid it altogether since they can’t do it perfectly the first time. One strategy I use with clients to support this is helping them set realistic goals and aim for progress, not perfection – a mantra I repeat daily! Setting achievable and incremental goals can help maintain motivation and reduce frustration.
All-or-Nothing Mentality
Type A personalities often take an all-or-nothing approach. They may feel it’s only worth doing something if they can do something perfectly. This mentality can sabotage weight loss because it prevents flexibility or setbacks. For example, if they have a dinner out and aren’t sure how to track their macros for dinner, they feel it’s not worth tracking the entire week since they won’t have that one night’s data. If they have to deviate from their diet plan even slightly, they might perceive it as a complete failure and abandon their efforts altogether. One thing I’ve learned about my 75-lb weight loss journey is that nutrition is never perfect, and the good news is that it doesn’t have to be perfect to see results. Those who can move past the all-or-nothing mentality and quickly get back on track after Friday night of overindulging rather than throw in the towel for the rest of the weekend will see steady results!
Stress and Cortisol Levels
Type A people tend to have high-stress levels due to their driven and often over-scheduled lifestyles. High levels of stress can lead to using food and alcohol as a coping mechanism, hindering weight loss. In addition, chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels, which can, in turn, cause weight gain, particularly belly fat. Type A people benefit from developing additional ways to support and regulate their nervous system and relieve stress outside of relying primarily on food and booze. I helped many Type A clients achieve weight loss after they learned how to incorporate stress-reducing activities to support their bodies and minds with regular breaks into their daily routine to help manage cortisol levels.
Over-scheduling and Lack of Time
Type A people have jampacked schedules! Their busyiness leaves little time for self-care activities like meal planning and workouts. This lack of time can make it challenging to maintain consistent healthy habits and prevent weight loss. Type A people also tend to be so busy that they may skip meals or opt for fast food. Since they are so strapped for time, balanced meals feel entirely out of the question. With such busy schedules, they also tend to sleep less, leading to weight gain and making it difficult to lose weight. Time blocking is one tool I use with clients to help them juggle their daily tasks. Learning to block time helps my Type A clients know what they can delegate, delete, and schedule, making the space for healthy daily habits.
Difficulty Adapting to Change
Type A people love structure and routine and tend to feel uncomfortable with new things they aren’t necessarily good at already. When it comes to weight loss, this rigidity can be a disadvantage because it doesn’t allow them to establish new habits. For example, if their regular gym is closed or their work schedule changes, they may struggle to find alternative ways to stay active. Helping clients embrace flexibility is crucial here so they can adapt to changes in their routines without viewing them as failures. My Type A clients who maintain weight loss become pros at learning to flex around sick kids, vacations, work trips, and all the other things that life throws their way!
Micromanaging and Obsessing Over Details
Type A people tend to be very detail-oriented. While this can be a strength at times, it can also lead to micromanaging every aspect of their diet and workout routines. This obsession with tiny details can cause them to overlook the bigger picture and become bogged down by a minor setback or deviation from their plan. It can also lead to burnout and loss of motivation. When I see this happening with Type A clients, I’ll have them zoom out and focus on the big picture. Is one dinner going to ruin everything? I’ll remind them that one week of vacation is less than 2% of the year, helping keep the overall goal in mind and not get discouraged by minor bumps along the way!
I want you to know that Type A people CAN lose weight and maintain healthy habits!
Step one is understanding your unique challenges. Then, it requires taking small, slightly uncomfortable actions, to achieve health and weight loss goals!
The Weight Loss Blueprint is a great place to start!
This 10-week program is perfect if you’re too busy juggling everything at work and at home to piece together your own fitness and nutrition plan and just need someone to give you specific actions to take so you know exactly what daily habits to focus on to start feeling “tighter” again. The program consists of bite-sized mini-lessons you can listen to on the go, fitting easily into your jampacked schedule. And I’ll be there with live support when your Type A personality kicks in, helping you celebrate your wins rather than focus on the one tiny thing you missed. You’ll be part of a group of engaged women who get your demanding life and share your goals!
Click here to learn more about The Weight Loss Blueprint!