Failure is What Actually Helped Me Lose 75 lbs

When we think about losing weight and the word “failure,” we probably have an image in our head of the typical yo-yo dieter who starts strong every New Year, quickly loses 15 lbs, and then finds themself exactly where they started or even worse by the end of the year. It’s probably not the word […]
How to lose weight without having to quit your job

Ten years ago, I believed a working mom couldn’t be fit. It’s embarrassing to admit, but if I saw a fit corporate mom, I would question if she even spent time with her kids. I imagined she must have a personal chef, personal trainer, live-in au pair, and full-time house manager. I truly believed anyone […]
Critical Skills You Need to Lose & Maintain Weight Loss

In the workplace, we hire people with essential skills to do the job correctly. Then, we invest time and money to train them properly to make sure they’re set up for success. And on our own, we have invested YEARS in our education to ensure we have the right skills to support our careers. But […]
Why Type A People Struggle With Weight Loss

Working with many corporate moms and as a former one myself, I’ve seen many Type A individuals struggle with their health goals, particularly weight loss. Why is it that their ambition, competitiveness, and extreme organization make it challenging for them to lose weight? We’ll dive into this topic today, discussing why this happens and what […]
How Planning Leads to Weight Loss

Embarking on a weight loss journey can often feel overwhelming and impossible, especially when juggling a busy life filled with work, family, and friends. However, one powerful tool can transform this daunting task into a manageable, even enjoyable process: planning. Today, I’ll share how planning was a critical strategy that significantly contributed to my 75 […]
How People Pleasing Behaviors Are Preventing You From Losing Weight

Many corporate moms like myself grew up with the expectation to be agreeable, helpful, and always put others first. While these qualities are admirable and may have even helped propel our careers at times, they have also led to behaviors hindering our personal goals, particularly weight loss. Unfortunately, people-pleasing behaviors can significantly impact your health […]
The Power of Community in Helping You Lose Weight

Losing weight can be hard, really hard. And it’s often something we attempt on our own for various reasons. People can feel shame or discomfort admitting or sharing with others that they’re trying to lose weight. While the body positivity movement has added tremendous value, it’s also made us question whether it’s okay to admit […]
How a Disorganized Kitchen is Affecting Your Diet

95% of all clients who come to work with me share that their biggest challenge is consistency with their nutrition. Workouts are sometimes a struggle, but most of the time, it’s nutrition that feels like the biggest hurdle. And this is for good reason! We eat multiple times daily vs. working out a few times […]
The Link Between The Clutter In Your Home and Your Lack of Healthy Habits
Do you ever look around your home and want to toss everything out? Does the sight of all the physical stuff become so overwhelming that you dream of renting a big dumpster and chucking it all out your front door? I understand if you do! And there’s a reason you might be feeling this way, […]
How your evening routine is making you gain weight

I’ve never been much of a night owl. Even as a child, I preferred to go to bed early. But for years, I stayed up super late to get work done, finish household chores, zone out in front of the TV, or spend time with my then-husband after the kids went to bed. This was […]