Uncluttered Single Parenting

Single parents shoulder a tremendous amount of responsibilities.  Whether you are solo parenting or co-parenting, you have a lot to manage on your own.  Between work, school, and activities, you probably feel like you are dropping the ball in one, or more realistically, many areas.  After two years of being divorced, I have found living […]

Chef Jacob’s Cooking Classes

Do you have a child between the ages of 6-11 that is interested in learning more about cooking and baking?  Chef Jacob is now hosting an online cooking class every other Saturday at 11am ET.  Jacob is my 10 year old son who loves to cook and has taken many in-person and online cooking classes […]

How To Get Your Kids To Do Chores

I’ve tried a lot of tactics with my kids to get them to do chores including rewards, allowance, and sticker charts galore!  To be honest, I haven’t found success with any of these approaches.  Every time I tried them we ended up in more arguments and they took too much preparation and time tracking by […]

Game Storage

If you’ve been following this blog for the past few months, you know how much I like having an organized system in place to keep life in order.  But I also don’t like to spend a ton of time and money to make everything look picture perfect.  Life is busy and for me, it’s important […]

Home Learning

Last spring was definitely trial and error for our family with home learning!  Like everyone else, we were thrown in unprepared but did our best to get through each day.  Trying to support both boys with their schoolwork while working full time was definitely a challenge!  This summer we’ve spent some time thinking about how […]

Playroom Storage

I want to start this post by acknowledging how fortunate I am to have space in my house to use as a playroom.  Many people don’t have enough space to dedicate an entire room just for their kids play area.  Our home is a modest 1,600 sq. ft. Colonial style house with a traditional seasonal […]

Kids Art cart

I love doing arts & crafts projects with my kids, but for many years it felt like a hassle to get projects started with the supplies stored all over the place and tucked away in different cabinets.  While my house looked clean having the supplies stored out of sight, this also meant out of mind […]

Hi, I'm Lauren!

I help successful, high-achieving women like you implement efficient, proven and sustainable ways to prioritize your health and find your confidence again.