Uncluttered Single Parenting

Single parents shoulder a tremendous amount of responsibilities. Whether you are solo parenting or co-parenting, you have a lot to manage on your own. Between work, school, and activities, you probably feel like you are dropping the ball in one, or more realistically, many areas. After two years of being divorced, I have found living […]
How to sell & donate your clothes

Cleaning out your closet feels great until you see the huge pile of clothes on the floor ready to pass along. Then you find yourself asking how you get them to a new home? And can you make some money off the items in good condition? The good news is there are now many online […]
Holiday Storage Solutions

There’s something about the day after Christmas when I get this crazy urge to pack up all the holiday decorations as quickly as possible. I know some of you are gasping right now after reading that. The thing is that while I love the holidays and having the house decorated, there’s something calming to me […]
Home Gym

Like many people this year, I’ve expanded my home gym. With gyms shut down or more restricted, everyone seems to be scrambling to try and replace their activities for staying active. While I haven’t had a gym membership in many years, I was doing most of my strength training at a small private studio with […]
Kitchen Gift Ideas

One thing I can say for sure is that my kitchen is getting a lot more use this year! I’m sure many others are in the same boat as me. Less eating out has helped me to save money and just been the new norm. While I’ve tried to be extremely careful about my purchases […]
How To Get Your Kids To Do Chores

I’ve tried a lot of tactics with my kids to get them to do chores including rewards, allowance, and sticker charts galore! To be honest, I haven’t found success with any of these approaches. Every time I tried them we ended up in more arguments and they took too much preparation and time tracking by […]
Game Storage

If you’ve been following this blog for the past few months, you know how much I like having an organized system in place to keep life in order. But I also don’t like to spend a ton of time and money to make everything look picture perfect. Life is busy and for me, it’s important […]
When Less is More

A main value of minimalism is the idea that less is more. I definitely can’t call myself a true minimalist by any means, but I am striving to follow minimalist practices like buying less, questioning what things I value, and maintaining less clutter in my life. To me the benefit of having less is gaining […]
closet clean-out

I know I might be in the minority here, but I LOVE cleaning out my closet. There is something freeing about purging items that are just hanging around taking up space in my little closet. Don’t worry, this post isn’t about how amazing it feels to clean out your closet. For those who don’t enjoy […]
Playroom Storage

I want to start this post by acknowledging how fortunate I am to have space in my house to use as a playroom. Many people don’t have enough space to dedicate an entire room just for their kids play area. Our home is a modest 1,600 sq. ft. Colonial style house with a traditional seasonal […]